Apryl + Simon

These photos were taken *yesterday* if you can believe it. I had a chance to shoot some portraits in Seattle for some good people I know and wanted to give them a sampling since itโ€™s going to be nervous breakdown time for me as of last month till next May, and I know they need a little something for their Edmonton reception. ; ) Many thanks to Sean Flanigan, one of my very favourite photographers in the whole world, who knows the city well and was kind enough to suggest some shooting locations. Next time, when the parking is fully figured out, I will hopefully be able to take better advantage of more of them! Congrats Simon & Apryl.

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Jessie Yipee! They’re married…Great pics, as usual, Melia. Makes me feel like I was almost there…Wish that I could have been, but so it goes. Some really lovely lighting going on there in the fall foliage.

sean I love the shots from the pier, especially the last one. Good work!
How was 13 coins?

cheryl i love the picture with him glancing back at the camera! i hope you had a fabulous time in seattle….let me know when you want to head south of the border again

James Great work! In my new hometown!

Sarah I really like the last shot on the pier. Beautiful dress and fun pictures ๐Ÿ™‚
