WPJA placements

Alright, I take back what I said about the WPJA not liking me. This time I just entered my two freebie submissions and both placed, and by some weird numeric magic I ended up on the international list of top 100 wedding photojournalists. Too funny. The second place image was taken on New Year’s Eve of Jenny dancing with her dad at the Sutton Place Hotel. I love her sister’s expression in the background! The second was taken at Dayna and Jeff’s wedding in Chilliwack, and was entered in the ‘kids’ category. So often you can catch people behaving badly between posing for formals—kids love the captive audience (not the photographer) and know they can make extraordinary demands if they but stand in front and face the camera…

Oh, I should mention that the WPJA is for more traditional ‘photojournalistic’ wedding images. They frown on significant Photoshop work, unlike the Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association (see below a couple of entries). The WPJA doesn’t even allow sepia tinting on black and whites! I’m glad I know have membership in both organizations.



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Jessie Checked them out on the website after chatting with you on the phone…Really excellent! And congratulations again! Ms. Top 100 (-:

Natalie Moser Photography Hi Melia! Congratulations on your images placing in the contest! That’s awesome!

Also, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me those sweet comments.

Your work is beautiful.



Jen Hunter Hi Melia!

Congratulations on your award! Andrew and I were so fortunate to have you shoot our wedding in Aug 2005 – I treasure our photos! We are having a baby in a month or so….would you do family pictures? It’s great to see you doing so well and your pictures are still amazing!

🙂 Jen
