the new site lives

My apologies for the last couple of bleak blogging months! I have had to concentrate on finishing my semester, which I believe I have done, in a very sort of fluid, revisions-can-be-done-later kind of way… Now I just have German all summer. (A whole year in twelve weeks.) However, I have four great weddings to post over the next couple of weeks. One is ready to go… Anna and Matt’s Persian & Scottish celebration was the first of 2008 and will be up shortly!

Now for the obvious: If you’ve been here before you’ve probably noticed a few changes with the website and blog. I haven’t worked with a graphic designer yet, so things aren’t looking as lovely as they could be, but I just couldn’t wait to get a new site up and running. In the mean time I have cobbled together a treatment of the studio name and a blog header to tell you where you’re at.

Instead of dividing my portfolios into the events of a wedding as I had done before, into categories such as Reception, Ceremony, Getting Ready, etc., I have chosen to divide the portfolios according to themes. A wedding can also be viewed according to its constituent themes of friendship, seriousness, joy, chaos etc. Since my studio name is a Latin adjective, I chose to name all of the portfolios accordingly. Most of the words have English cognates, so it should be fairly accessible Latin. Gravitas = ‘seriousness’ for example, continuitas = continuity, and so forth. It’s a little tongue in cheek—but I have been warned that a dead language could possibly alienate people. Let me know what you think if you have any thought on the matter. Thanks!

My first website went live in March 2005. I worked with a local designer and he did a great job of building an elegant, playful little flash website that served me well for three years. As is often the case, however, good designers get very busy sooner or later with bigger, corporate clients, and are hard to get a hold of for updates. In any case, I wanted a site which showcased larger images, which I could customize without much fuss, and which could be read by search engines—not the case with my first all-Flash site.

Over the last couple of years I have noticed a surge in companies making template websites for photographers: Blu Domain, Parade, LiveBooks, clickbooq, and so on. These sites can be easier for the technically-challenged, less expensive, and certainly a lot quicker than hiring a designer to build a website from scratch. In the end, the basic programming doesn’t need to be very original…just show some pictures…more or less in the middle of the screen.

The decision came down to clickbooq and LiveBooks. Both companies make attractive, simple websites. LiveBooks sites offer a little more aesthetic customization, especially when it comes to menus and navigation, but their image aspect ratio is not the standard aspect ratio of photographs, and I was unsatisfied with having to crop all of my images. As for search engine compatibility, both companies do the only thing that works for flash-based websites, which is to create a ghost html site. Livebooks, however, will not host blogs. clickbooq will host WordPress blogs, meaning that the web traffic to the blog and the content on the blog can be used by search engines to find my site.
In the end clickbooq won out, and the new site is now live. Please have a look around and tell me what you think. Ich muss mein Hausaufgaben finish.

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WPJA placements

Alright, I take back what I said about the WPJA not liking me. This time I just entered my two freebie submissions and both placed, and by some weird numeric magic I ended up on the international list of top 100 wedding photojournalists. Too funny. The second place image was taken on New Year’s Eve of Jenny dancing with her dad at the Sutton Place Hotel. I love her sister’s expression in the background! The second was taken at Dayna and Jeff’s wedding in Chilliwack, and was entered in the ‘kids’ category. So often you can catch people behaving badly between posing for formals—kids love the captive audience (not the photographer) and know they can make extraordinary demands if they but stand in front and face the camera…

Oh, I should mention that the WPJA is for more traditional ‘photojournalistic’ wedding images. They frown on significant Photoshop work, unlike the Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association (see below a couple of entries). The WPJA doesn’t even allow sepia tinting on black and whites! I’m glad I know have membership in both organizations.



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Stephen + Michelle

Steve is one of my oldest friends–and certainly the best technical writer of all of my friends.  He’s the one to turn to with your bibliography–not just for format either.   I’m not able to be at Stephen and Michelle’s May wedding because it’s in Alberta and because I have another wedding here that day, but I hope to be able to attend their Vancouver reception at the end of May!




steve has second thoughts about being in a photo shoot


cherry blossoms are beginning to emerge in the west end


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I’m in a Guild!

So after submitting several times to the WPJA contests (Wedding Photojournalist Association) and never placing, I recently scrolled through the contest winners of the last Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association and found a couple of my images without any kind of email warning! My images placed 5th and 17th (winning extends to some dark recesses indeed!) but I’m pleased to pop up at all among so many compelling images. For a limited time only, AGWPJA membership is not to be had but by placing in one of their contests, so you can go check me out under BC photographers and see me listed beside only one other lucky guy.  Do take a look at all the other images too.  Oh yeah, and Happy Lunar New Year!



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girl next door

Well, I usually don’t do this sort of thing, but my neighbor, Patricia Isaac, needed some new headshots and I thought I’d try my hand at it. PLEASE don’t ask me to do this though—I am really not set up for this kind of thing in my studio apartment—most of these were taken on her bed in fact, with a little drapery magic. I may eventually get into the portrait/headshot end of things, but not until I have a living room at the very least!


